President - Josh Gieni – [email protected]
Want to join the Race Team? Want to start racing? Want to start the process of becoming a racer? Racing is a complex sport that take years and hundreds of races before theory and practice start to make sense. Executing theory when you are pushing above threshold takes time, practice, and concentration. This only comes with experience. Join us and start the learning process!
'RED SHIRT' policy. A commitment is needed!
We have implemented a 'RED SHIRT' policy. Any rider that is not already integrated in the cycling scene needs to prove they really want to be part of the team and begin the racing journey.
Step 1: Buy a suit. You will be required to buy a generic Castelli suit (at a discount of course). This will allow you to start racing under the Team IBIKE name via the FQSC and UCI rules.
Step 2: Show up at races, events, rides and start to integrate yourself into the MTL cycling community and more specifically, Team IBIKE. Say hi and come ride!
Step 3: If you enjoy the team and the lifestyle that goes with racing and the training needed to get on the start line you can take the next step and become an official team rider with access to all, the benefits that goes with. Its all about the vibe. Do you dig racing and riding with the team? Does the team dig racing and riding with you? This is subjective and les on the side of black and white. We say one year for RED SHIRT before moving to full team status but it could happen faster!
Step 4: Ride. Smile. Race. Smile. Repeat!
If you're down with the steps send an email to [email protected] and we will go from there!